
Jeff Grove
Vice President – Global Policy, Cooperation & Communications
ASTM International
Washington, DC, USA

Jeff Grove is the Vice President for Global Policy, Cooperation and Communications at ASTM International - a leading international organization that develops global standards and testing programs that help solve complex challenges and improve lives by making products and the environment better for all.

Based in Washington, DC, Jeff is responsible for formulating public affairs and collaboration strategies and engaging the business community, policymakers and trade negotiators to promote a heightened awareness of the role of ASTM standards in regulations, trade and innovation. He oversees global affairs offices and representatives in Brussels, Ottawa, and Singapore, and represents ASTM International in international standards and regulatory dialogues such as the OECD International Organization Partnership, the UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation & Standardization Policies (WP.6), and the NATO Civil Standards Working Group. Jeff serves on the U.S. Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Standards and Technical Trade Barriers (ITAC 15). As a member of the American National Standards Institute Board of Directors, Jeff chairs the National Policy Advisory Group.

Prior to joining ASTM in 2004, Jeff was the Director of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Office of Public Policy in Washington, DC. From 1993-2001, Jeff held several positions working for the U.S. Congress - including serving as Staff Director for the House Committee on Science Subcommittee on Technology under Chairwoman Constance A. Morella. In Congress, Jeff’s portfolio included legislation involving technical standards and trade, manufacturing and industrial competitiveness, and oversight of international scientific and technical cooperation agreements.

Jeff has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin (La Crosse) and a Master of Arts degree in International Commercial Policy from George Mason University in Virginia. He completed the 2002 Oxford Summer Residence Programme in Globalization and Trade at St. Peters College, University of Oxford, UK. Jeff resides in Arlington, Virginia, with his wife Jennifer and three boys.


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